Diploma In Ayurvedic Spa




Nail Art

Spa Therapy

Body Therapy


Our carefully planned curriculum skilfully combines modern spa practises with the age-old healing art of Ayurveda, giving students a rare chance to delve deeply into holistic wellbeing.
Our students acquire not only significant information but also a unique set of talents that set them apart in the beauty industry by being fully immersed in India’s ancient Ayurvedic traditions. We give our students the tools they need to develop transformative spa experiences that are true to the spirit of Ayurveda and leave their guests with positive memories.
As the top institution for beauty education, we take pride in fostering a community of enthusiastic people who are committed to using Ayurveda’s healing abilities for wellness and beauty.

Course Level

  • Spa Therapy – Ayurvedic Spa


Basic elements of Ayurveda, Dietetics in Ayurveda, Shirodhara, Choornasweda, Udhwartmam, Nasyam, Mukhlepam, Katibasti, Grihvabast, Jaanubasti

Eligibility For The Course

15+ Years

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How to Apply?

Start your journey towards a professional beautician by completing an inquiry form. Simply give us with the required information by filling out our inquiry form.
Once your details has been received and screened someone from our office will get in touch with you to talk about the next stages and address any queries or worries you might have.
You will receive instructions on how to enrol. Any paperwork that is necessary will be completed with our assistance. We will give you a list of the materials or prerequisites required so that you can prepare accordingly.
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