Diploma In Hair Designing




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Body Therapy


IBI offers a comprehensive Diploma in Hair Designing that has been painstakingly designed to equip students with the extensive knowledge and insight necessary for unmatched success in the dynamic field of hairstyling.
Our programme looks into the various techniques, styles, and equipment that make up the art of hair design while seamlessly fusing theoretical insights with practical practise. Aspiring hair stylists are given the skills they need to create magnificent hairstyles and provide first-rate professional services, making them invaluable assets in the flourishing and constantly changing beauty business.

Course Level

  • Hair – Level 1, 2, 3

Key Takeaways & Highlights

Extensive Curriculum : The diploma program at IBI encompasses a wide range of topics, covering various techniques, styles, and equipment essential for mastering the art of hair design. Students delve into the nuances of cutting-edge hairstyling, coloring, perming, and straightening methods, ensuring they are well-versed in the latest trends and innovations.

Theoretical Insights : In addition to hands-on training, the course provides students with comprehensive theoretical knowledge. Understanding the scientific principles behind hair structure, texture, and growth enables students to make informed decisions and deliver personalized solutions to clients, setting them apart as competent professionals in the industry.

Practical Training : IBI places a strong emphasis on practical practice. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, students gain valuable experience in real-world scenarios, working with diverse hair types, and catering to different client preferences. This hands-on approach ensures that graduates are fully prepared to tackle any hair design challenge that comes their way.

Industry-Relevant Skills : The course curriculum is designed in collaboration with industry experts and professionals, aligning it with the current demands of the beauty business. This equips students with skills that are not only creative and artistic but also marketable and relevant in today’s competitive job market.

Professional Development : IBI understands that a successful hair stylist not only needs technical proficiency but also excellent customer service and communication skills. The course hones students’ abilities to interact with clients, identify their needs, and provide exemplary services that leave a lasting impression.

Eligibility For The Course

15+ Years

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How to Apply?

Start your journey towards a professional beautician by completing an inquiry form. Simply give us with the required information by filling out our inquiry form.
Once your details has been received and screened someone from our office will get in touch with you to talk about the next stages and address any queries or worries you might have.
You will receive instructions on how to enrol. Any paperwork that is necessary will be completed with our assistance. We will give you a list of the materials or prerequisites required so that you can prepare accordingly.
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