As much as we all love the art and effort that goes behind every breathtaking makeup look, the aftercare of the appearance can be pretty exhausting. Removing makeup is a whole new process, but rather than indulging in that process we sometimes just choose sleep. However, we all agree that taking off your makeup before sleeping is essential, but we still sometimes can’t seem to get a hold of it. We simply need to understand what is the process and need for removal of makeup for healthy skin. Acne and lowering of skin quality are already a risk that everyone is facing in today’s era, but non-removal of makeup and leaving chemicals on your skin for a long can have a negative effect on the skin.
Hence here is IBI International to tell you about the reasons, why the removal of makeup is so essential and how not doing so can lead to skin quality depletion:

Acne and clogged pores
Makeup can be a nasty pore clogger, especially when your skin is prone to acne and oiliness. Oily skin tends to already be over-moisturized and welcoming to dust attachments. Some makeup is more likely than others to result in breakouts. The most triggering makeup ingredients are silicones, acrylics, parabens, dyes, and fragrances. Hence to avoid these, Use only makeup, sunscreen, skin, and hair-care products that are labeled “non-comedogenic” or “won’t clog pores.” These products don’t cause breakouts in most people. Sharing makeup can result in blemishes even if you employ only non-comedogenic products. Although acne is not communicative, sharing makeup, brushes, or applicators can lead to the infiltration of bacteria, oil, and cell debris from other people’s skin into your makeup. You can get their oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria on your skin if you use that makeup. These may clog your pores and cause acne. Hence removing makeup before sleeping is very important.
Dark Circles
Generally speaking, makeup is not the primary or even a noticeable cause of dark circles. The only reason why dark circles qualify for this list is because of their nature of being created on dull skin.
Rashes Aand Itching
“Roses have thorns too”, the purpose of this quote out in the world is simply to make people remember that however pretty or ravishing the thing may be, it always will have a downside to it, nothing comes with zero consequences. The same goes for makeup as well. Today in the industry, there have been new introductions of a majority of chemical-free and organic products for your skin, but the fact that the chemicals still there can be equally harmful if left on the skin for too long.
Complexion Dulling And Aging
One of the main causes of dull skin is wearing makeup to bed. Your skin is exposed to pollutants, dust, and dirt throughout the day. Applying makeup causes your skin to accumulate more product and impedes the process of skin regeneration. Your skin’s health and complexion can be impacted by trapped dirt and pollutants, makeup residue, and dull, lifeless skin. So, always take off your makeup before going to bed, regardless of how exhausted you are. Use a makeup remover first, then a cleanser and moisturizer for optimal effects.
Dryness And Lack Of Moisture
Sleeping while wearing makeup causes these free radicals to remain on the skin’s surface all night. If you go to bed wearing makeup, it can cause a barrier that keeps your moisturizer from penetrating your skin, which can lead to dryness. Furthermore, certain makeup formulas include ingredients that dehydrate the skin. The skin is exposed to these ingredients while you sleep, which can cause the skin to dry out.
Here at IBI International, we proceed with teaching the students the most basic and essential of things, i.e. recognizing skin types, textures, and suitability. Dealing with different types of skins can be a tricky process and can leave the client unsatisfied if not complied with properly. We think it to be our responsibility that the student gets the information of everything in detail right from the start to not be confused in future while using products and chemicals on people.